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The New Milton Photographic Group is run for the benefit of members to develop and further the interest, enthusiasm and expertise in photography in all its forms. The Group is open to people of all ages. The ethos is to promote self-improvement through meetings, discussions, lectures, workshops, outings and projects.
Its prime aim is to create a sociable learning environment for everyone from novices to improvers. The Group encourages the more experienced members to freely offer advice and guidance in pursuance of the Art.
NMPG is a private Club and is affiliated to New Milton Community Centre. We meet at NMCC, Osborne Rd, New Milton on the second and fourth Monday each month at 2pm. We do not have formal meetings in August but outings are often arranged during the Summer.
Visitors are welcome at all times. However, a £5 attendance fee may be applicable. After two visits, people are asked to join. If the person subsequently joins the Group, a maximum of £5 discount will be taken off the annual membership fee.